Title Utjecaj vjerskih svjetonazora u edukaciji za okoliš
Title (english) The impact of relegious worldviews in environmental education
Author Marko Grabar
Mentor Lidija Runko Luttenberger (mentor)
Granter University of Rijeka Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Cognitive Science (Natural, Technical, Biomedical and Healthcare, Social and Humanistic Sciences)
Abstract Ekološka kriza u kojoj se čovječanstvo našlo uključuje probleme masovne deforestacije,
onečišćenja tla, vode i zraka. Dodatan stres na okoliš stvara globalno zatopljenje koje je
uzrokovano stvaranjem stakleničkih plinova. Sve to negativno utječe na ekološki sustav,
uzrokuje migraciju biljnog i životinjskog svijeta, a povezano s tim i čovjeka. Najnegativniji je
utjecaj na one siromašne koji žive od prirodnih blagodati. Kako bi se spriječilo daljnje
degradiranje okoliša te omogućila pravedna ostavština budućim generacijama, brojni
znanstvenici počeli su raditi na osvještavanju društva o nastaloj ekološkoj krizi. Međutim,
mjere koje su bile fokusirane na educiranje pojedinca, nisu dovoljno utjecale i na njegov
odgoj. U modernoj kulturi je dominantno izražen kapitalizam, konzumerizam te materijalizam
koje potiču multinacionalne kompanije kako bi ostvarile maksimalan profit. Čovjek je
psihološki prisiljen na pretjeran konzumerizam i potrošnju, čime se stvaraju i velike potrebe
proizvodnje. Proizvodnja opet često sa sobom vuče i novi pritisak na okoliš, a proizvodi na
kraju svog vijeka opet završavaju kao otpad. Odgovor na ovo stanje čovjeka mogu između
ostalih pružiti religije i njihovi vjerski svjetonazori. Većina svjetske populacije pripada nekoj
vjeri. Vjere sadrže mudrost akulmuliranu vijekovima, često nude drugačiji pogled na život,
okrenut duhovnim vrijednostima, prirodi i pravednom međuodnosu ljudi. Nužan je odgoj koji
bi pružio dalekovidnost društva, povećao bi brigu čovjeka za prirodu, druga stvorenja, ljude u
sadašnjosti, ali i za buduće generacije. Time bi se smanjio negativan pritisak na okoliš.
Budućnost čovječanstva ovisi o tome hoće li uspjeti prebroditi ovu ekološku kriz
Abstract (english) The ecological crisis in which humanity has found itself includes the problems of mass
deforestation, as well as soil, water and air pollution. Additional stress on the environment is
created by global warming, which is caused by the formation of greenhouse gases. All of this
has a negative effect on the ecological system, causes the migration of plant and animal life,
and related to that, also humans. The most negative impact is on the poor who live off natural
resources. To prevent further degradation of the environment and to provide a fair legacy to
future generations, many scientists began to work to raise awareness about the environmental
crisis. However, the measures that were focused on educating the individual did not have a
sufficient impact on his upbringing. Modern culture is dominated by capitalism, consumerism
and materialism, which are encouraged by multinational companies in order to achieve
maximum profit. A man is psychologically under pressure to embrace excessive consumerism
and consumption, which in turn creates great production needs. Production again often brings
with it new pressure on the environment, and products end up as waste at the end of their life.
The response to this human condition may among others be provided by religions and their
religious worldviews. Most of the world's population belongs to some religion. Religions
contain wisdom accumulated over the ages, they often provide a different perspective on life,
focused on spiritual values, nature, and just relationship between people. The education that
would provide the farsightedness of society, increase man's concern for nature, other
creatures, and people in the present and also future generations is indispensable. Negative
pressure on the environment would thus reduce. The future of humanity depends on whether it
will manage to overcome this ecological crisis.
vjerski svjetonazori
buduće generacije
Keywords (english)
religious worldviews
future generations
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:231:758403
Study programme Title: polytechnics and informatics; specializations in: Politehnika i informatika Course: Politehnika i informatika Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilini/a magistar/magistra edukacije politehnike i informatike (sveučilini/a magistar/magistra edukacije politehnike i informatike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-10-26 11:09:34