Abstract | Danas čovječanstvo živi na pragu nove industrijske revolucije koja će, kao i prijašnje,
uvelike utjecati na njegov život i rad. Automatizacija proizvodnje sa sobom nosi nove izazove za
sadašnje i buduće inženjere pogotovo na STEM području. U ovom završnom radu obrađene su
vrste i klasifikacije industrijski strojeva u raznim granama proizvodnje kao i načine upravlja tim
industrijskim strojevima. Zatim su obrađeni izazovi i postupci obrazovanja inženjera uz pomoć
razvojnih platformi, primarno Arduino UNO platforme. Postoje mnoge vrste razvojnih platformi
od kojih su najpoznatiji Arduino i Raspberry Pi, stoga ćemo te razvojne platforme obraditi u ovom
završnom radu. Potom je razrađen projektni zadatak Robotske ruke. Robotska ruka sastavljena je
od aluminijskih nosača i pokreće je servo motora. Robotom se upravlja putem Android aplikacije
koristeći Bluetooth modul. Možemo programirati unaprijed isplanirane pokrete, kao npr. Uzimanje
raspoređenog tereta koji potom robot slaže jedan na drugoga ili upravljati individualnim
dijelovima robota. Projektni zadatak uključuje detaljnu razradu dijelova koje su korišteni te
opširnije o samim robotima u proizvodnji i dijelovima koji se koriste za izradu istih. Potom je
objašnjeno kako spojiti robota kako bi mogli njime upravljati putem Arduino UNO platforme,
odnosno mobilne aplikacije putem Bluetootha. Na kraju su navedene moguće domene korištenja
robotske ruke i vlastiti osvrt o budućnosti pojedinih elemenata u industriji. |
Abstract (english) | Today, humanity lives on the threshold of a new industrial revolution, which, like the previous
ones, will greatly affect its life and work. Production automation brings with it new challenges for
current and future engineers, especially in the STEM field. In this final paper, we will deal with
the types and classifications of industrial machines in various branches of production, as well as
the ways of managing these industrial machines. Then we address the challenges and ways of
educating engineers with the help of development platforms, primarily Arduino UNO. There are
many types of development platforms, the most famous of which are Arduino and Raspberry Pi,
so we will cover these development platforms in this finals paper. Then the project task of the
Robot Hand was elaborated. The robotic arm is made of aluminium supports and is driven by servo
motors. The robot is controlled via Android application using a Bluetooth module. We can program
pre-planned movements, such as picking up distributed loads that the robot the stacks on top of
each other, or after that, the development of the project work, robotic hands, begins. The project
assignment includes a detailed elaboration of the parts that we will use and in more detail about
the robots themselves in production and the parts that are used to make them. Then it was explained
how to connect the robots so that they could be controlled via the Arduino Uno platform, that is,
the mobile application via Bluetooth. At the end, the possible domains of use of the robotic arm
and out own review of the future of certain elements in the industry are listed. |