Title Idejno rješenje pogona malog ribarskog broda na vodik
Title (english) Hydrogen as a fuel for small fishing vessels
Author Antonio Šuperina
Mentor Ivica Ančić (mentor)
Granter University of Rijeka Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-09-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Cognitive Science (Natural, Technical, Biomedical and Healthcare, Social and Humanistic Sciences)
Abstract U ovom radu prikazano je idejno rješenje pogona malog ribarskog broda na vodik koji koristi
paralelni hibridni sustav propulzije. Hibridni sustav se sastoji od dizelskog motora i
elektromotora koji predaju mehanički rad brodskom vijku, a za dobivanje električne energije
koriste se gorivni članci na vodik te litij-ionske baterije. Prikazana je potrebna snaga za
ostvarivanje propulzije i bilanca potrošnje električne energije na ribarskom brodu koje za brzinu
plovidbe od 12 čv iznose
... More 316,8 kW i 150,4 kW, za brzinu plovidbe pri traganju za ribom od 4
čv iznose 30,7 kW i 163,4 kW, za plovidbu brzinom koćarenja od 4 čv iznose 86,3 kW i 176,1
kW, za brzinu plovidbe pod teretom od 8 čv iznose 160,2 kW i 160,1 kW, na vezu u luci danju
iznose 0 kW i 141,2 kW, a noću 0 kW i 79,8 kW. Za idejno rješenje pogona malog ribarskog
broda na vodik prema dobivenim rezultatima određeni su potrebni strojevi i uređaji, a to su:
„Cummins NTA 855 M“ dizelskog motora snage 261 kW, „WFC50 mkII“ pet modula SOFC
gorivnih članaka od 54.8 kW po modulu, „7 ABZ 90-315“ trofaznog asinkronog brodskog
elektromotora od 200 kW, reduktora za prijenos snage, „AT6500-250-48“ šesnaest litij-ion
baterija od 6,5 kWh po bateriji, aluminijskog spremnika dizel goriva, visokotlačnog spremnika
vodika te ostalih električnih i mehaničkih komponenti. Prema dobivenim rezultatima propulzije
i bilance potrošnje električne energije, analizom energetskih značajki utvrđeno je da korištenje
vodika na ribarskom brodu zahtjeva veći prostor od korištenja klasičnog dizelskog motora,
dizelski spremnik zauzima samo 2,3 m3
i omogućuje plovidbu od 96 sati, dok visokotlačni
spremnik vodika zauzima 10 m3
i omogućuje plovidbu samo 8,4 sata. Usporedbom s ekološkim
značajkama vidljivo je da dizelski motor pri izgaranju goriva ispušta CO2, NOx i SOx plinove,
stvara buku, vibracije te otpadnu toplinu. Gorivni članci naspram dizelskog motora ne ispuštaju
plinove već samo vodu, ne stvaraju buku ni vibracije što je njihova prednost. Investicija u
hibridni sustav iznosi preko 200000 € što je znatno više od klasičnog sustava s dizelskim
motorom čija je cijena oko 25000 €. Cijena plavog dizel goriva je 1 eur/l što je za pun spremnik
2300 €, dok je za pun spremnik vodika 2 eur/kg, odnosno 760 € za sivi vodik ili 10-15 eur/kg,
odnosno 3800 €-5700 € za zeleni vodik. Zaključak rada je da idejno rješenje pogona malog
ribarskog broda na vodik je izvedivo i korisno za okoliš, no financijski jako skupo i trenutno ne
zamislivo u Republici Hrvatskoj. Less
Abstract (english) This thesis presents the conceptual design of a small hydrogen-powered fishing vessel that uses
a parallel hybrid propulsion system. The hybrid system consists of a diesel engine and an
electric motor that transfers mechanical work to the propeller, and to obtain electric energy fuel
cells and lithium-ion batteries are used. The required power for propulsion and the balance of
electricity consumption on the fishing boat are shown. According to the obtained results, the
... More machines and devices were determined for the conceptual design of a small fishing
vessel on hydrogen, they are: a „Cummins NTA 855 M“ diesel engine with a power of 261 kW,
„WFC50 mkII“ five modules of SOFC fuel cells of 54,8 kW per module, „7 ABZ 90-315“ a
three-phase asynchronous marine electric motor of 200 kW, a reducer for power transmission,
„AT6500-250-48“ sixteen lithium-ion batteries of 6.5 kWh each, an aluminium diesel fuel tank,
a high-pressure hydrogen tank and other electrical and mechanical components. According to
the results of propulsion and the balance of electricity consumption, the analysis of energy
features determined that the use of hydrogen on a fishing boat requires more space than the use
of a classic diesel engine, the diesel engine tank takes up only 2,3 m3
and enables sailing for 96
hours, while high- pressure hydrogen tank occupies 10 m3
and allows sailing only for 8.4 only
hours. When compared with a diesel engine the ecological features show that diesel engine
emits CO2, NOx and SOx gases when burning fuel, makes noise, vibrations and wastes heat.
On the other hand fuel cells do not emit gases, only clean water and do not make noise and
vibrations, which is their main advantage. The investment in the hybrid system amounts to over
€ 200000, which is significantly more than the classic system with a diesel engine whose price
is around € 25000. The price of blue diesel fuel is 1 eur/l, which for a full tank is € 2300, while
the price of grey hydrogen is 2 eur/kg, which for a full tank is € 760 or 10-15 eur/kg for a green
hydrogen, which for a full tank is € 3800-€ 5700. The conclusion of the thesis is that the
conceptual design of a small hydrogen-powered fishing vessel iis feasible and beneficial for the
environment, but financially very expensive and currently unimaginable in the Republic of
Croatia. Less
ribarski brod
gorivni članak
bilanca energije
ekološke i ekonomske značajke
Keywords (english)
fishing boat
fuell cells
energy balance
ecological and economic features
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:231:219184
Study programme Title: polytechnics Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka politehnike (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka politehnike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-10-26 11:46:07